Skin care secrets

Hey guys! I have something new for those of you who decided to enjoy this Friday evening at home in their pyjamas. This kind of post is something I have never done before. I would like to do more of it in future if you like this one. I want to talk about skin care, makeup and beauty. Tell me what exactly you would like to see: a skin care routine, my go-to beauty products etc. 
Today I want to share with you my secret of nourishing my skin. I use many different products, leaving the ones from Kiehl's and The Body Shop as my favourites. But the one from Biossance that I have discovered recently really surprised me. Biossance have sent it to me around 2 weeks ago and I took my time to test the product to make up my opinion about it. 

You know, as a blogger you get to receive lots of things that brands send you. And those things are not always good at all. I feel like sharing something with you only when I really believe that checking out this product will help some of you or will inspire you the way it inspired me. 

So it makes 2 weeks that I am using the Revitalizer by Biossance and I already feel how hydrated my skin is. My everyday rhythm is not good for my skin and I see how tired and dehydrated it is after wearing make up almost everyday and spending all of my time inside without feeling the fresh air. That is why I am always craving for some magical products to save my skin. And the Revitalizer happened to be one of them. 
What's good about the Revitalizer is that it suits all skin types as everybody needs to moisturise their skin. Biossance also has also designed a special project for each of you, called Embodied Project. They are offering each of you a sample of their Biossance Revitalizer together with a customized 4-week program that helps you become embodied through simple tips and tricks in nutrition, exercise and mindfulness. The program is being made up according to your answers to their special survey
I really hope you found this post useful for yourselves and I am waiting for your suggestions about similar ones in future. xoxo, Anna


  1. i like the story about this beauty product :) sounds interesting

  2. want to try it now, thanks for sharing =)

  3. This looks like a great product, thanks for sharing!

  4. you look wonderful!

  5. Each facial for men lasts for 45 minutes and consists of five specific skin care treatments. During the treatment, the skin is cleanses, exfoliated, and nourished with hydrating solutions. The client also experiences a facial massage that rubs in calming botanicals and soothing lotions. All the skin care products used have been tested and proven safe to use on all skin types, including a combination of oily and dry. skin care treatments

  6. Thanks for sharing this with us about skin care i was searching for this kind of blog xx Send Flowers To Poland Online


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